Thanks for your donation


We know a lot of worthy causes ask for your support, so it means a lot that you’re choosing us. AIDA is funded entirely by contributions from donors, and we simply couldn’t protect the people and wild places of Latin America without you. 

We are honored to have you as an ally. 

Your donation will support our efforts to protect indigenous communities and the environment they, and all of us, depend on. We will put it to work to:

  • Protect key marine ecosystems
  • Combat climate change
  • Defend Indigenous and Traditional communities from environmental harm
  • Halting actions that threaten our freshwater sources

Learn more about:  Your Donation At Work

AIDA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID 94-3292116), and no goods or services were received that would reduce the tax-deductible amount of your gift.

Your donation has been completed. You will receive a confirmation email at the address you provided. If you're a new donor, we'll be sending you a welcome message to familiarize you with our work. A sincere thank you from all of us at AIDA:

When the violation of the rights of Amazonian peoples in Brazil receive no response nationally, these communities find in AIDA a voice in the Americas. I am grateful that you exist.

Felicio Pontes Jr., Attorney at the Federal Public Ministry (Brazil)