AIDA petitions Argentine court for protection of human rights in lithium mining case | Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) Skip to content Skip to navigation
24 September 2024

In a legal brief supporting the litigation of the indigenous communities of the Puna in Argentina, we ask the Court of Justice of Catamarca to cancel the permits for two mining projects to avoid irreversible environmental impacts on the territory of the Salar del Hombre Muerto. We also ask that it order a cumulative and comprehensive environmental impact assessment that meets international standards and guarantees the participation of the communities.


In support of the lawsuit filed by the Atacameños del Altiplano Indigenous Community, the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) filed an amicus curiae or "friend of the court" brief before the Court of Justice of Catamarca, requesting that the national government and the government of the province of Catamarca, in accordance with their international obligations, protect the rights of local communities against the cumulative environmental impacts of lithium mining projects in the territory and watershed of the Salar del Hombre Muerto.

"The accumulation of lithium mining activities in the Salar del Hombre Muerto has exacerbated water stress in the province and today threatens to affect the health of indigenous communities due to the use of large quantities of water and polluting chemicals," said Yeny Rodríguez, Senior Attorney at AIDA. "In application of the principles of prevention and precaution, it is imperative that the State take measures to avoid further impacts; if it fails to do so, it may incur international liability for the damages caused."

The brief provides grounds for the application of justice and for the defense of the rights to a healthy environment, to water and to the life project of the communities. 

The document shows that the national and provincial governments have an obligation under international treaties and standards, such as the American Convention on Human Rights, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Convention on Wetlands, among others, to use an environmental assessment that addresses comprehensive and cumulative impacts to authorize existing, proposed, and related mining projects.

The writ was filed as part of the amparo action filed by the Atacameños del Altiplano Indigenous Community in August 2021. In it, they asked the Court of Justice of Catamarca to revoke the authorizations granted by the environmental authorities to the projects "Fénix Project Expansion" of the company Livent and "Sal de Vida" of the company Galaxy Lithium S.A., until a proper environmental impact assessment is carried out.

In a decision released last March 13, the court ordered the provincial government, as a precautionary measure, to refrain from issuing new permits until a "cumulative and comprehensive" environmental impact study is conducted for all lithium mining projects being developed in the area, and to guarantee free access to information and free, prior and informed consultation with communities for all projects. However, the court did not accept the request to stop lithium mining in the area, so the socio-environmental risks remain.

In this sense, in order to protect the ecosystem and not irreparably affect the life project of the indigenous peoples, AIDA presented arguments to the Court of Justice of Catamarca in support of the communities' requests:

  • In application of the international environmental principles of prevention and precaution, revoke the permits for the projects identified in the lawsuit and for all projects in the Salar Basin until an environmental assessment is carried out in accordance with international law.
  • Order the competent authorities to carry out a cumulative and comprehensive environmental impact assessment, respecting at all stages the right to consultation or consent, as well as the right to timely and effective environmental participation of the Atacameños del Altiplano Indigenous Community.


"AIDA reiterated before the Court that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has ruled that the Environmental Impact Assessment is the measure that guarantees the subsistence of indigenous communities in the face of the restrictions imposed by the concessions granted in their territory," said Rodríguez.

The brief points out that in this case — given that lithium mining and other projects have already caused serious environmental degradation and affected the water carrying capacity of the ecosystem, in addition to jeopardizing the community's livelihood project — the state had an obligation to conduct a cumulative and comprehensive environmental impact assessment.

Due to low rainfall and water evaporation, the Salar del Hombre Muerto — an Andean wetland located in northwestern Argentina, between the provinces of Catamarca and Salta — has a negative natural water balance, which has been exacerbated in the last 27 years by lithium mining. This activity requires the extraction of large quantities of brine (water with a high salt content) and fresh water (surface and groundwater).

The region of the Salar Basin has been inhabited for more than 10,000 years by indigenous communities who have a special relationship with the environment that guarantees their individual and collective survival, their culture and their traditions. As a result of lithium mining, their members have had to change their traditional practices and have also suffered water shortages and significant animal losses.

The Fénix mining project has diverted the Trapiche River to the point of drying up its last stretch before it reaches the salt flats. And the expansion of mining activities in the area threatens to dry up the Los Patos River as well.

In the development of the projects mentioned in the lawsuit, the companies did not provide information to the communities, did not hold public hearings with their participation, and did not carry out a process of free, prior and informed consultation.


Víctor Quintanilla (Mexico), AIDA, [email protected], +521 5570522107


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