A Guide for GCF Watch Coordinators
A publication for coordinators of GCF Watch, a civil society initiative from the global South aimed at improving monitoring of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the world's leading multilateral climate finance institution.
Basics of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the operating entity of the funding mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As such, it provides funding to developing countries for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects and programs.
National Designated Authorities and Green Climate Fund Focal Points
Funding Proposals before the Green Climate Fund
Proposals for project and program funding can be classified according to several criteria: type of access, public or private, amount of funds requested, and risk category.
Guide to Reviewing a Funding Proposal before the Green Climate Fund
The GCF Watch will consolidate all observations made by civil society before sending to the GCF Board. Your comments will be part of the message directly delivered to the Board!
Accredited Entities before the Green Climate Fund
The funding granted by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is channeled through accredited entities (AEs), which are in charge of managing the resources and implementing the projects and programs. The AEs must ensure that projects and programs comply with GCF safeguards, as well as oversee compliance when implementation is the responsibility of executing entities.
The Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM)
The Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) was created to respond to complaints from individuals, groups or communities who feel that they have been adversely affected by projects or programs financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) due to non-compliance with its operational policies and procedures, including its environmental and social safeguards.
GCF Watch: A Southern Civil Society-Led Initiative
The platform aims to improve the monitoring of the operations of the GCF through collaboration between organizations working at the level of the GCF Board and organizations and communities in the region that are close to the territories where projects supported by the entity are implemented.
Glossary of useful terms for monitoring the Green Climate Fund