21 August 2006

AIDA Report Highlights Need for Alternative Programs in Colombia

After six years of spraying herbicides over large areas of the Colombian countryside under "Plan Colombia," the aerial spraying program has failed to meet the goal of eliminating 50 percent of illicit crops in this country.  Despite an investment of nearly US$1.2 billion, and the spraying of more than four times the initial area of coca crops, coca cultivation in Colombia continues, at nearly the same levels as when the program originated.  Meanwhile, the spraying continues to cause severe social impacts and pose unknown environmental risk.

AIDA has prepared a report analyzing some of the participatory, sustainable, alternative development programs that have proven more effective than aerial spraying.  The report recommends that the U.S. and Colombian governments reevaluate the current policy and substantially increase support for such alternatives.  The report highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to the problem of illegal crop cultivation, with a strategy that addresses the root-causes of the problem.  The report provides detailed information and an analysis of five programs implemented by different actors, all of which can serve as models or provide lessons learned for new programs.  Although improvements can still be made, alternative development programs have yielded concrete, positive results and have been far more cost-effective than the spraying program.