Bogota Declaration for the protection of environmental defenders
As people from 10 different countries who have been awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize, in addition to other environmental defenders, who are contributing to the protection of the environment and the struggle for life, who have come together today in Bogotá with colleagues from throughout our region, we express our solidarity with advocates and communities in Colombia and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean that are currently facing the highest level of risk for their work to protect life on Earth.
Therefore, we call on governments, companies, financial institutions, investors, and entities to actively and effectively protect and respect the life and rights of advocates, those of their families, and their communities.
We are aware of the serious human rights violations of vulnerable populations, especially of local communities and indigenous people, communities of African descent and farmers, which we face in Latin America and throughout the world.
We demand an end to legal persecution and criminalization of our brothers and sisters who defend life and justice, and justice for those whose lives have been forcibly taken from them in this struggle.
We hope that our work inspires many young people and others, whose work in turn inspires many more globally.
We are convinced that, together, we can address the climate crisis—through collaborative work focused around knowledge and respect for the rights and diverse communities of the world.
We call on humanity to stand in solidarity and act in accordance with the work of advocates, and to use peaceful means, art, and motherly love to continue achieving the transformation that the planet and humanity require to protect both people and life.
We urge Colombia to continue promoting the dream of achieving peace between Colombians and nature. Turning the page on violence is the path for the next generations to inherit: a better Colombia, Latin America, Caribbean and world.
Francia Márquez (Colombia) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2018
Bertha Zuñiga Cáceres (Honduras), daughter of Bertha Cáceres, Goldman Environmental Prize, 2015
Ruth Buendía (Peru), Goldman Environmental Prize, 2014
Nohra Padilla (Colombia) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2013
Sofía Gatica (Argentina) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2012
Francisco Pineda (El Salvador) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2011
Humbero Ríos Labrada (Cuba) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2010
Jesús León Santos (Mexico) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2008
María Elena Foronda Farro (Peru) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2003
Jean La Rose (Guyana) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2002
Elías Díaz Peña (Paraguay) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2000
Oscar Rivas (Paraguay) Goldman Environmental Prize, 2000
Jorge Varela (Honduras) Goldman Environmental Prize, 1999
Berito Kuwaruwa (Colombia) Goldman Environmental Prize, 1998
Juan Pablo Orrego (Chile) Goldman Environmental Prize, 1997
Evaristo Nugkuag (Peru) Goldman Environmental Prize, 1991
Stiefen Petrust (Suriname)
Eliana Torrico Tejada (Bolivia)
Danielle Duarte Gomes (Brazil)
Antonia Melo Da Silva (Brazil)
Liliana Ávila (Colombia)
Juana Hofman (Colombia)
Javier Ibarraga Ospina (Colombia)
Alix Mancilla (Colombia)
Blanca Inés Pérez (Colombia)
Rosa Peña (Colombia)
Astrid Puentes Riaño (Colombia, Mexico)
Andrea Cerami (Mexico)
Jorge García Lucas (Guatemala)
Severina Morales Pérez (Guatemala)
Joaquín Raymundo González (Guatemala)
Jovita Tzul (Guatemala)
Julián López (Mexico)
Marcelina López (Mexico)
Leydy Aracely Pech Martín (Mexico)
Elena Villafuerte (Mexico)
Liliana Caruhuaz (Peru)
Eddy Peña (Peru)
Katherine Sánchez (Peru)