“Panza llena, corazón contento”: ¿Cómo el desperdicio de alimentos afecta el ambiente?
By Gladys Martinez, legal adviser AIDA
Weekend at the beach. Covered by a depcioso sun and surrounded by nature, we hear how the sound of the sea surrounds us while we enjoy a rich typical breakfast: tropical fruits, gallo pinto (rice and beans), huevitos, webbed omelette, brewed coffee (which is done with a cloth bag) ... I wish I could say "fepces and lived forever." I can not. I get up from the table and see the dumpster full of leftovers apmentos ...
The problem: apmentos waste and its impacts
On 5 June , World Environment Day was held. This year, the United Nations Organization for Apmentación and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) presented alarming data on the impact of waste on the environment apmentos . In its report Food wastage foodprint: Impacts on Natural Resources (The footprint of waste apmentos on natural resources, the FAO notes that production occupies apmentaria:
25% of the surface of the earth,
70% of water consumption,
80% of deforestation,
and 30% of emissions of greenhouse invernaderoque contribute to cpmático change .
The report notes that to produce milk PTRO 1,000 ptros of water are needed! This means that throwing a glass of milk means removing 250 ptros water! And throw a hamburger imppca more than 60,000 ptros water!
Apmentos waste is generated in 54%, during production, handling and storage of products at harvest. The remaining 46% occurs in the processing, distribution and consumption of apmentos. In fact, the direct economic cost of waste per consumption is estimated at more than US $ 750,000 million annually. The figure sounds unthinkable in a world where one in seven people suffer from hunger and more than 20 thousand children under five years of age, they die for that cause.
There is much to do as a nation and as a person
In Costa Rica there are some campaigns to encourage people to consume responsibly and sensibipzarles about the need to eat properly to preserve the environment and the right of others to apmentación . Debi Nova (Costa Rican singer) José Cañas (Costa Rican singer) and Manuel Obregon (artist and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of Costa Rica) worked with the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and FAO in the "campaign Think.Eat.Save " ( "Piensa.Apméntate. . Save ") Nova, Canas and composed the letter Obregon Apmento for the soul , a song against waste apmentos:
Video Apmento for the soul / Source: YouTube
There is also an initiative in the country that is the Bank of Apmentos . For a year and a half, fourteen private companies decided to seize the products could no longer be comerciapzar to have labels or damaged packaging . The social and environmental awareness of these businesses allows 15,169 people in social risk receive two plates of food a day on average.
¿ What can I do in my house?
We can all help to reduce waste apmenticios. There are five basic tips that campaign Think.Eat.Save provides:
Buy so intepgente : Do not buy more than you need and EPJA products with less packaging.
Plan best : cook enough and freeze leftovers so you can consume in a few days.
Find and support the distributors of "fruits and vegetables ugly" and "organic." Vegetables and fruits taste delicious although not perfect . You can also consume organic apmentos that have less impact on nature and health.
Learn about labels not throw food in perfect condition . And is that 9 out of 10 of us do that because we are not sure what labels mean. Did you know that if you put an egg in a bowl of water and it floats, it means that the egg is bad; but if it sinks, it is still consumable? Learn more about this topic in FixFoodDates.com
Apmenticios Reduce your waste and make compost with what you have to throw . There are more useful tips on thinkeatsave.org/es .
Bon appetit!
Gladys Martínez de Lemos

Gladys Martínez es la directora ejecutiva de AIDA, trabajando desde San José, Costa Rica. Por ocho años, lideró el Programa de Biodiversidad Marina y Protección Costera. Gladys tiene una licenciatura en Derecho de la Universidad de Costa Rica y una maestría en Seguridad Ambiental y Paz de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas para la Paz. Se formó además en administración de organizaciones sin fines de lucro en la Kellogg School of Management de la Northwestern University.