Breaking New Ground: An Agenda for Change (Chapter 16)

Photo: Meg Nielson on Unsplash.

This final chapter contains the broad conclusions that emerged from the MMSD (Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development project) process and an Agenda for Change. The agenda sets out various actions for improving the mineral sector’scontribution to sustainable development. In all the discussion the project has provoked, few quarrelled with the basic definition of sustainable development contained in the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development.

The Agenda for Change assumes a broad set of goalsthat flow from that definition:

  • material and other needs for a better quality of lifehave to be fulfilled for people of this generation
  • as equitably as possible
  • while respecting ecosystem limits and
  • building the basis on which future generations canmeet their own needs.

Read and download the chapter