Publications | Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) Skip to content Skip to navigation


Fact Sheets | 6 September 2024

Transition minerals: value chains and cirularity from a Latin American perspective

The global push for renewable energy to reduce climate-aggravating emissions has revealed how the environmental and social costs of mineral extraction fall disproportionately on local communities more

The Manaus Declaration

| 20 August 2024

The Manaus Declaration on Human Rights in the Climate Emergency

An urgent call for the adoption of minimum standards of human rights protection in the context of the climate more

Finca Cristo Negro, Los Cedros, El Salvador. Photo: Roberto Peña on Unsplash.

Reports | 20 April 2024

Leading participatory monitoring processes for Green Climate Fund financed projects

Summary of the results of the implementation of a participatory monitoring process for a GCF-funded, with emphasis on gender more

Salinas Grandes in Argentina.

Reports | 17 April 2024

Lithium Fever: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Under Attack in Jujuy, Argentina

This report contains the main findings of an International Fact-finding Mission Report (21-25 August 2023).read more

Annual Report | 7 December 2023

2023 Annual Report

This year, we celebrated AIDA's 25th anniversary. The presentation of our 2023 Annual Report closes the agenda of more

Reports | 4 September 2023

Unmasking Canada Rights Violations Across Latin America (Executive Summary)

Compiled through the collaboration of over 50 civil society organizations, the report implicates 37 Canadian projects across nine countries in the more

Lagoon and frailejon in a Colombian páramo

Reports | 15 August 2023

Report of the International Mission to Colombia: Stop investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)

The objective of the mission was to share experiences of struggles against the global investment protection regime, and to learn firsthand about the peoples and ecosystems being more

Fact Sheets | 23 March 2023

The Transformative Water Pact

The Pact is a response to the continued exploitation of nature, neglect of human rights and the extreme power-imbalances that characterize contemporary water governance throughout the more

Letters | 20 February 2023

Open Letter from Civil Society Organizations to the President of the Inter-American Development Bank

We consider it essential that the Bank strengthen its practices and operations, facilitating the promotion and respect for human more

Annual Report | 8 December 2022

2022 Annual Report

2022 has been a year of great progress for AIDA. Some of our main achievements are evidence of our commitment to environmental and climate justice in the more

Letters | 27 September 2022

Governments of the world: Climate action is a legal duty

After decades of empty promises, it is time for real action and more

Reports | 20 January 2022

Environmental responsibility through supply chains

This report emphasizes the importance of binding legislation for companies to comply with environmental aspects as well as human rights throughout their supply more

Informes Anuales | 10 December 2021

2021 Annual Report

Our progress this year shows that it is possible to maintain healthy rivers, protect natural carbon sinks, ensure livelihoods for vulnerable populations and, in short, advance a livable more

Fact Sheets | 8 September 2021

A Guide for GCF Watch Coordinators

A publication for coordinators of GCF Watch, a civil society initiative from the global South aimed at improving monitoring of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the world's leading multilateral more

Fact Sheets | 14 January 2021

Fact Sheet: SPAW Protocol (Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife)

Framework to regulate the protection of herbivorous fish and coral reefs of the Greater more

Annual Report | 11 December 2020

2020 Annual Report

In the wake of 2020, we believe we have the opportunity to build a better world, together. We know AIDA’s multidisciplinary team can help get us more

Fact Sheets | 5 March 2020

Fact Sheet: Mayan women in defense of their rivers

The women of the microregion of Ixquisis, Guatemala, defend their rivers and their territory from dams financed by the Inter-American Development Bank more

Annual Report | 17 December 2019

2019 Annual Report

2019 showed us, as never before, that the climate crisis is a problem that concerns all of us that live on this planet. From our trenches, we've made significant progress towards more

Letters | 10 December 2019

A Plan to Decontaminate Our Cities and Contain the Climate Crisis

More than 100 organizations from Latin America and around the world urged governments to include ambitious and measurable targets for confronting air pollution in their new climate more

| 18 September 2019

Declaration: Peoples’ Summit on Climate, Rights and Human Survival

Protecting human rights and preserving our planet and its climate require that we stop treating ecosystems as more

Letters | 14 August 2019

Letters to the Inter-American Commission 10 years after the admission of the case of La Oroya

A call for action from the affected people of La Oroya to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, ten years after their case was first more

Fact Sheets | 2 August 2019

Infographic: Lakes Poopó and Uru Uru, at-risk Bolivian wetlands

Our infographic outlines the risks facings Bolivia's lakes Poopó and Uru Uru, which together represent a vital water source for the indigenous and traditional more

Letters | 9 July 2019

Putting people’s fundamental rights at the core of solutions to the climate emergency

Announcing the first ever global summit on human rights and climate more

Letters | 6 July 2019

The GCF should thoroughly assess the policies and practices of the BNDES and require conditions for its accreditation

The accreditation process is an opportunity to strengthen the Bank’s policies and procedures designed to identify, address and remediate environmental and social impacts linked to its more

An aerial view of the Amazon jungle surrounding the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil.

Letters | 13 May 2019

The False Promises of Hydropower

How dams fail to deliver the Paris Climate Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals A Joint Statement by Civil Society Organizations on occasion of the 2019 World Hydropower Congress in Paris, more

Reports | 11 March 2019

Moratoriums and bans on fracking: Comparative legislation

Countries, regions, cities and communities around the world have chosen to prohibit or place moratoriums on fracking through various legal and administrative more

Fact Sheets | 19 February 2019

Herbivorous fish and coral reefs: a relationship we must protect

Herbívorous fish play a fundamental role in the health of coral reefs by cleaning the algae that deprive corals of light and more

Fact Sheets | 1 February 2019

Protecting Wetlands: A Ramsar Infographic

This infographic breaks down why wetlands are so important, and how the application of the Ramsar Convention can help us protect these sensitive and vital more

Suitcase art: Human Rights project

Letters | 10 December 2018

Open Letter to States and Development Financiers

Over 200 groups call upon governments and development banks to respect human rights and safeguard more

Reports | 21 November 2018

Behind the Dams: BNDES Investments in Belo Monte and Hidroituango

We analyze the application of existing international standards for hydroelectric plants through the lens of two of the most significant investments in the history of the more

Annual Report | 21 November 2018

2018 Annual Report

2018 brought victories for the environment and human rights, protections for delicate ecosystems, and greater accountability for governments and corporations. AIDA also helped create a huge more

Fact Sheets | 12 September 2018

Infographic: Advisory Opinion 23

Learn about the main points and standards developed by the Court regarding the obligations of States regarding the environment and its relationship with human more

Letters | 27 August 2018

Open letter to American States on the signing of a regional environmental treaty

On 27 September 2018, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will have the opportunity to put in place a new instrument to protect the environment: the Escazú more

Reports | 25 January 2018

The Risks of the Salmon Industry’s Expansion in Chilean Patagonia

An analysis of the situation of salmon farms in Magallanes, responding to the following questions: How many exist? Where are they? How much do they produce and in what conditions do they do so?read more

Annual Report | 7 December 2017

2017 Annual Report

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Letters | 19 July 2017

Letter to Argentine legislators on dams in Patagonia

In a letter sent to the Argentine Congress, more

Letters | 29 March 2017

Letter: Concerning the Green Climate Fund and large hydropower

The 282 undersigned organizations write to express our significant concern regarding the use of GCF resources to support large hydropower, and, in particular, the following proposals in the GCF’ more

Letters | 7 March 2017

Letter to Green Climate Fund Board and Advisors: Concern regarding the use of GCF resources to support large hydropower

We write to express our concern regarding the use of GCF resources more

| 20 February 2017

16 Highlights of 2016: Year in Review

Thanks to the help of our partners and supporters, AIDA achieved many important advances in the defense of human rights and the environment in more

2016 Annual Report

Annual Report | 15 December 2016

2016 Annual Report

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Letters | 5 December 2016

Letter to Green Climate Fund Board: Improve Decision Making

Letter signed by 70 international civil society organizations: As members of civil society following the Green Climate Fund (GCF), we are writing to express our concern about the way the more

Reports | 3 November 2016

The Final Frontier: Public policies, impacts and resistance to fracking in Latin America

The report addresses the situation of fracking in six countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and more

Reports | 23 October 2016

The Green Climate Fund: Summary of Decisions of the Board of Directors (in Spanish)

The report includes a summary of the decisions made thus far by the Board of Directors. It also highlights the progress made by the Fund, and the challenges it must more

Letters | 26 May 2016

Letter to OAS Member States on the Financial Crisis at the IACHR

AIDA joins more than 300 organizations in calling on Member States of the Organization of American States to act swiftly in the face of the financial crisis affecting the Inter-American Commission more

Fact Sheets | 13 May 2016

Correspondence with the World Bank Regarding Berta Cáceres and Large Dams

On May 11th, more than 300 organizations from around the world sent a letter to Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank, to respond to a statement he made during an event at the more

Letters | 2 May 2016

Open Letter on Mining to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

Excerpt: As activists, Latin American organizations and networks, along with international groups and organizations that have partners in Latin America, we are aware of and concerned about the more

Fact Sheets | 25 April 2016

10 Things You Should Know About Don Diego

Basic information about the proposed underwater mining project in more

Reports | 31 March 2016

Tools for sustainable fisheries and coastal management

This Spanish-language guide provides specific legal, scientific and economic tools to more sustainably manage our marine and coastal more

Reports | 30 March 2016

Controlling Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: An opportunity to better air quality and mitigate climate change

The report review the institutional, legislative, and regulatory frameworks, as well as existing government programs related to the control and monitoring of SLCPs in Brazil, Chile and more

Reports | 14 March 2016

The Precautionary Principle: A legal tool against the impacts of fracking

This report analyzes the viability of using the precautionary principle to prevent, avoid or stop fracking operations in Latin more

Fact Sheets | 8 March 2016

Facts on Financing the Climate Fight

The impacts of climate change are already being felt by many millions of people and communities around the world – but the burden weighs most heavily on the poor and marginalised in more

Letters | 4 March 2016

Public letter to President of Honduras on the killing of Berta Cáceres

Dear President Juan Orlando Hernández, We, a group of 50+ international organisations, write to express our shock and concern over the recent killing of Berta Cáceres, environmental activist and more

2015 Annual Report

Annual Report | 15 December 2015

2015 Annual Report

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Fact Sheets | 1 December 2015

Ten Reasons Why Climate Initiatives Should Not Include Large Hydropower Projects

A Civil Society [i] Manifesto for the Support of Real Climate Solutions Large hydropower projects are often propagated as a “clean and green” source more

Letters | 8 July 2015

Letter to Pope Francis on the Delicate Situation of NGOs in Bolivia

Respectfully we turn to Your Holiness, on the occasion of your upcoming visit to Bolivia, as organizations that protect the environment and human rights in the Americas. We wish to share with more

Reports | 5 May 2015

Civil Society Organizations Call for an End to Inhumane and Environmentally Damaging Aerial Spraying Program in Colombia

Colombia’s Minister of Health on April 27, 2015 recommended that his nation’s counternarcotics agency immediately suspend the use of aerial spraying to eradicate coca, the plant used to make more

Reports | 6 April 2015

International Regulatory Best Practices for Coral Reef Protection

This guide provides examples of effective regulatory tools for protecting coral reefs. These tools can be adapted to the circumstances of various jurisdictions where reefs are at more

Reports | 1 January 2015

Towards Ecosystem Management of the Peruvian Anchoveta Fishery (in Spanish)

The report contains recommendations for the legal and institutional reforms needed to manage the fishery while caring for the needs of the ecosystem as a more

Reports | 31 December 2014

Guidelines for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects

A guide detailing the comprehensive analysis that must be completed for any Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed mining more

2014 Annual Report

Annual Report | 15 December 2014

2014 Annual Report

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Reports | 1 November 2014

The Protection of Coral Reefs in Mexico (in Spanish)

This report outlines the importance of coral reefs in the world—in Mexico in particular—and looks to best practices from nations around the region for more

Letters | 23 September 2014

Open letter to governments, international institutions and financial mechanisms to stop considering large dams as clean energy and to implement real solutions to climate change


Letters | 25 July 2014

Letter presenting Latin American civil society organizations' concerns on the dilution of the World Bank's safeguards policies

Latin American civil society organizations "strongly recommend that CODE members send the first draft back to Management. Without structural changes to the Safeguard Policy proposal, we question more

Letters | 23 June 2014

Joint letter: Mexico – Detention of environmental and human rights defender Mr. Marco Antonio Suástegui Muñoz

The 57 organizations and persons signatory to the letter, which work for the protection of human rights and the environment, express their deep concern at the detention of Mr. Marco Antonio Suá more

Fact Sheets | 11 March 2014

New Hope for Environmental Justice in IFI Projects

In its budget bill for 2014, the US Congress has taken bold steps to promote environmental justice within international financial institutions. Among other measures, the bill instructs the more

Reports | 5 December 2013

The link between international environmental law, human rights and large dams

The article is an update and reissue of two chapters of the report Large Dams in the Americas: more

Fact Sheets | 12 November 2013

Short-lived climate pollutants: An opportunity to reduce emissions

AIDA together with CEDHA, CEMDA and RedRacc have produced a briefing paper on short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) for presentation at the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) on climate change, more

Letters | 23 October 2013

Letter to the President of the World Bank Group

DR. JIM YONG KIM PRESIDENT THE WORLD BANK GROUP Dear Dr. Kim: We are writing to express our deepest concern regarding the World Bank Group decision to start financing and promoting more

Letters | 8 October 2013

Letter to the Board of the Green Climate Fund

Organizations, movements and civil society groups from developing countries -with decades of experience working for the rights and aspirations of peoples and communities- express their unified more

Reports | 25 September 2013

Declaration of Civil Society Organizations that Participated in the First Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

The organizations signing the declaration regret that " the Forum was far from a plural confluence of diverse actors. In the seven panels that made up the two days of the event, 47 more

Letters | 26 July 2013

Organizations call for probe into the murder of Jairo Mora in Costa Rica (Spanish only)

In a letter to Costa Rican General Attorney Jorge Chavarría and René Castro, the minister of environment and energy, local and international organizations expressed deep concern for the murder more

Fact Sheets | 11 June 2013

Collective Statement to the Colombian government on the collapse of Law 1382

The organizations and persons behind the Statement express our concerns to the Colombian government about the implications of the collapse of the Mining Code in effect since May 11, 2012 (Law 1382, more

Reports | 2 May 2013

AIDA and CEMDA joint report on the UPR of Mexico

In accordance with the guidelines of the Human Rights Council, the Mexican Environmental Law Center (CEMDA) and the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) present comments on more

2011-2012 Annual Report

Annual Report | 15 December 2012

2011-2012 Annual Report

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Letters | 7 December 2012

Open letter to the President of BNDES about funding for Belo Monte (Spanish only)

Excmo. Sr. Luciano Coutinho Presidente del Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social – BNDES Río de Janeiro, Brasil Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil abajo firmantes, comprometidas con more

Reports | 4 December 2012

The challenges of deploying wind energy in Mexico. The case of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

To combat climate change, low-carbon projects such as wind farms must be promoted. But despite the urgency for renewable energy, these projects must be carried out in a sustainable and more

Reports | 1 December 2012

Coral reefs in Costa Rica: Economic Value, Threats and International Legal Commitments to Protect Them (in Spanish)

The report aims to serve as a foundation for introducing specific legislation on protecting coral reefs in Costa Rica, and to support their conservation in Latin America and the more

Reports | 1 December 2011

A Human Crisis: Climate Change and Human Rights in Latin America

This report shows that global climate change is already negatively affecting the enjoyment of human rights in the Americas and that present impacts will likely intensify in the more

Reports | 2 January 2010

Environmental Defense Guide

The purpose of this publication is to promote the use of the Inter-American System of Human Rights for addressing environmental degradation that causes human rights more

Reports | 1 November 2009

Large Dams in the Americas: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?

The report analyses the problems with large dams from the perspective of human rights and international environmental more

2006-2007 Biannual Report

Annual Report | 15 December 2007

2006-2007 Biannual Report

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Reports | 1 September 2002

La Oroya Cannot Wait

This publication is the product of a careful analysis of official environmental monitoring reports submitted for the Doe Run multi-metal smelter between 1996 and more

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