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Press Center

| 2 February 2015

New law protects Panama Bay Wetland Wildlife Refuge

On the occasion of World Wetlands Day, the President of Panama will approve a national law that bestows protected-area status on Panama Bay Wetland Wildlife more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 3 November 2014

Organizations asked that the IACHR urge the Colombian State to comply with international obligations, to declare a moratorium on mining and energy projects, and establish a Working Group between authorities and the affected communities

They also asked that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urge the State to adequately attend to the victims of the forced displacement caused by the “development” projects, and more

| 15 October 2014

Organizations alert World Bank to risks of Colombian mining investment

Delegation explains to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a branch of the World Bank Group, illegalities and possible harms to people and the environment from Eco Oro Mineral’s more

| 10 October 2014

Tri-national organization to investigate Mexico for environmental enforcement in Gulf of California development

The Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) recommended a thorough investigation of Mexico’s systemic failure to enforce its environmental law when authorizing more

| 30 September 2014

Mexico illegally authorizes hydropower dam

The permit for the project on the San Pedro Mezquital River violates national and international environmental and human rights more

| 22 September 2014

Climate Marchers to Global Leaders: No dirty energy in the Green Climate Fund

Thousands of people flooded the streets of New York City yesterday demanding a financial commitment to clean energy and climate-resilient more

Human Rights, Toxic Pollution | 1 September 2014

People harmed by environmental contamination in La Oroya have been waiting for seven years for the State to guarantee their rights

In 2007, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) asked the Peruvian State to provide medical care and institute environmental controls. These measures have yet to be implemented more

| 6 August 2014

NGOs fight to defend Panama’s rivers

Panama NGOs have called on the National Environmental Authority to repeal a resolution that threatens watersheds and allows large-scale projects such as hydroelectric dams to use up to 90% of more

Grandes Represas, Fuentes de Agua Dulce, Derechos Humanos | 2 July 2014

Organizations submit amicus curiae brief to Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court, demonstrating that Congressional authorization of the Belo Monte Dam is illegal

The authorization violates national and international law because the communities affected by the project were not consulted. Construction of the dam continues, causing harms to people, more

Coral reefs, Oceans | 6 May 2014

Organizations come out in defense of the Veracruz Reef System

Technical and legal arguments are submitted in support of a lawsuit against modifying the boundaries of the Veracruz Reef System National Park in eastern Mexico, a site protected by more


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