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Freshwater Sources, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Mining | 10 February 2020

Preserving the legacy of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Heart of the World

Rising abruptly from Colombia’s Caribbean coast, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta reaches 5,775 meters (18,946 ft.) at its highest points, the more

Climate Change, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 15 October 2019

AIDA Statement on the Situation in Ecuador

We hope that the dialogue will be successful and will serve as an example of the collective construction of climate solutions to ensure participation and respect for human more

Climate Change, Freshwater Sources, Indigenous Rights, Mining | 9 August 2019

Coal or life: Walking where a stream once ran

Although the Bruno is one of few streams in Colombia’s driest department and one of the scarce sources of fresh water for communities living there, its channel was diverted to facilitate more

Climate Change, Freshwater Sources, Indigenous Rights, Mining | 2 August 2019

Infographic: Lakes Poopó and Uru Uru, at-risk Bolivian wetlands

Our infographic outlines the risks facings Bolivia's lakes Poopó and Uru Uru, which together represent a vital water source for the indigenous and traditional more

Climate Change, Freshwater Sources, Indigenous Rights, Mining, Toxic Pollution | 30 July 2019

Communities request international support to save Bolivia’s Poopó and Uru Uru lakes

They call on the Ramsar Convention to visit the lakes and make recommendations for their preservation. The lakes are at grave risk from mining, river diversion and the climate more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 20 June 2019

International tribunal supports indigenous struggle for the Amazon

The International Rights of Nature Tribunal ruled that the Bolivian State had “violated” the rights of nature and of the indigenous people that inhabit a natural protected area in the Bolivian more

Accountability and Transparency, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 7 May 2019

Inter-American Commission to examine rollback of indigenous rights in Brazil

In a hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, civil society organizations will demonstrate how measures adopted by the administration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro are undoing decades of human rights protections in the more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Public Participation | 22 April 2019

Listening to indigenous peoples to save the planet

Indigenous peoples have lived for centuries in a much more sustainable way. They offer us, in many ways, examples and opportunities to learn again, to change and to more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Mining | 10 April 2019

How Brazil is threatening indigenous and environmental rights

The setback posed by the current administration has only strengthened the resistance of indigenous communities, and those of us who support more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Large Dams | 8 April 2019

Statement on the Assassination of Dilma Ferreira Silva, leader of Brazil’s Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples

We call on Brazilian authorities and multilateral organizations to ensure that the country’s obligations regarding the protection of human rights and environmental defenders are more


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