Indigenous Rights | Page 7 | Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) Skip to content Skip to navigation

Indigenous Rights, Mining | 4 June 2020

Continued extractive activities put indigenous and rural communities at increased risk from the pandemic

States must implement comprehensive and concerted health strategies to respect, guarantee and protect indigenous and peasant communities near mining or oil exploitation more

Indigenous Rights | 29 May 2020

Alert to the IACHR on the situation of indigenous peoples in Brazil during COVID-19

In this communication, AIDA provides the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), particularly COVID-19's Timely and Integrated more

Indigenous Rights | 21 May 2020

Brazil fails to guarantee health and adequate attention to indigenous peoples during pandemic

The Brazilian health system is on the brink of collapse, directly impacting the healthcare of indigenous peoples, a situation that could more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 20 May 2020

COVID-19 Response: The importance of providing special protection to indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants

Protecting these peoples so that the pandemic does not threaten their lives and integrity is a moral and historic duty, and an international obligation of all more

Accountability and Transparency, Indigenous Rights, Large Dams | 15 May 2020

Applauding the exclusion of Eletrobras from Norwegian oil fund

The Council on Ethics of the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, recommended the exclusion due to the Brazilian company's involvement in the Belo Monte Dam, associated with human rights more

Freshwater Sources, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 28 April 2020

Inter-American Court upholds indigenous rights in Argentina

The Court's decision contributes to the consolidation of standards to protect the land of indigenous communities, as well as their rights to a healthy environment, water and more

Indigenous Rights | 1 April 2020

Reports sent to the UN and IACHR on the situation of indigenous peoples in Brazil and Colombia under the threat of COVID-19

In the face of the global health crisis resulting from COVID-19, the reports seek to draw the attention of the United Nations Special Rapporteur more

Freshwater Sources, Indigenous Rights, Large Dams | 6 March 2020

Take Action: For Water, Against Destructive Dams

For Maria and the other women of Ixquisis, the river is a special place. There, they meet and wash clothes, talk about their families, their more

Freshwater Sources, Indigenous Rights | 5 March 2020

Fact Sheet: Mayan women in defense of their rivers

The women of the microregion of Ixquisis, Guatemala, defend their rivers and their territory from dams financed by the Inter-American Development Bank more

Climate Change, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 12 February 2020

Why are women so important to the pursuit of environmental justice?

Women are more than simply the most affected by the climate crisis. They also are active participants with a vital role to play in preserving nature and seeking solutions for the health of our more


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