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Accountability and Transparency, Human Rights, Oceans, Toxic Pollution | 18 November 2019

The oil spill devouring life on Brazil’s beaches

Since late August, oil has been registered at more than 500 points along 2,500 kilometers of coastline in northeastern Brazil. Far from being resolved, the problem is getting worse every day.read more

Climate Change, Human Rights, Oceans | 4 November 2019

Defending my place in the fight for the climate

In the PreCOP25, young people of various professions and aspirations made our claim and sought to be heard.read more

Oceans, Toxic Pollution | 1 November 2019

Complaint to IACHR on the impacts of the oil spill in Northeastern Brazil

In partnership with Brazilian civil society organizations, AIDA submitted a complaint to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights alerting of...read more

Climate Change, Human Rights, Oceans | 9 October 2019

Want to solve the climate crisis? Let's bet on the ocean

A healthy ocean is a natural carbon reservoir. Its degradation implies the intensification of the climate crisis. Without its help, we cannot prevent the planet from warming to an unsustainable level.read more

Coral reefs, Capacity Building, Climate Change, Oceans | 8 October 2019

Empowering fishermen to protect coral reefs, and their guardians

Our marine resources are in danger of disappearing in the face of the global climate crisis. And the urgency to do something about it is becoming ever more pressing.read more

Climate Change, Oceans | 25 September 2019

Ocean scientists and NGOs call time on government neglect of earth’s life support system

Overfishing, pollution, destruction of habitats, ecosystems and biodiversity are all stressors which can be stopped to support the resilience of the ocean to withstand the climate crisis.read more

Climate Change, Human Rights, Oceans | 18 August 2019

Defend Yum Balam, a key ecosystem for biodiversity and the climate

AIDA presented an amicus brief demonstrating Mexico’s obligations to preserve the protected area in the face of a 21,000-room hotel project that would imply significant damage to the site.read more

Climate Change, Freshwater Sources, Human Rights, Oceans | 22 July 2019

What we must do to preserve the planet’s biodiversity and natural heritage

Our air, water, and food depend on biodiversity—the varied forms of life on our planet and the interaction between them. Caring for this natural heritage is now more important than ever.read more

Climate Change, Oceans | 12 July 2019

Why these algae-eating fish may be corals’ greatest allies

Numerous studies have shown that herbivorous fish play a fundamental role in the health and survival of coral reefs by removing the algae that robs corals of the light and space they need to grow.read more

Coral reefs, Oceans | 19 February 2019

Herbivorous fish and coral reefs: a relationship we must protect

Herbívorous fish play a fundamental role in the health of coral reefs by cleaning the algae that deprive corals of light and oxygen.read more


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