Oceans | Page 8 | Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) Skip to content Skip to navigation

Capacity Building, Oceans | 9 October 2017

Turtles, sharks and tuna: why we’re working to protect our ocean

Despite their importance, the high seas—and the life within them—are at risk. A lack of coordinated oversight has led to overfishing, illegal fishing, pollution, and habitat destruction.read more

Oceans | 21 July 2017

Important progress made towards ocean treaty

States meeting at the United Nations in New York took an important step towards launching negotiations for a new treaty to protect the biodiversity of the high seas.read more

Oceans | 26 June 2017

Shark conservation is at risk in Costa Rica

Costa Rica should prohibit export of hammerhead products for at least one year, or until the country reduces hammerhead fishing and the health of the species improves.read more

Oceans, Toxic Pollution | 8 June 2017

Chilean chum: How eating salmon in the US hurts Patagonia’s coastal wildlife

Chile’s unregulated salmon industry has serious environmental side-effects.read more

Oceans, Toxic Pollution | 22 May 2017

Calling on Chile to protect Patagonia from the risks of the salmon industry

Civil society organizations filed an administrative complaint and a petition calling on the government to investigate and punish farm operators, and to enforce existing regulations.read more

Oceans, Toxic Pollution | 17 May 2017

Protecting Patagonian Seas from Salmon Farms

The Straight of Magellan in Chilean Patagonia (or Magallanes, as it’s known in Spanish) hosts the largest number of natural protected areas in the...read more

Climate Change, Oceans | 28 April 2017

The ocean needs more from us

Despite its importance, the ocean remains unprotected in large part; no country governs the high seas, international waters that comprise 64 percent of the ocean’s total surface area.read more

Oceans | 22 February 2017

AIDA statement on the death of thousands of fish in Costa Rica

The recent mass die-off of anchovy—a species on which birds, marine mammals, and other fish depend for nutrition—must be analyzed in detail. Upon finding the cause, an integrated solution must be implemented at the national and regional levels.read more

Oceans | 9 February 2017

Costa Rican court issues first criminal sanction against shark finning

In a historic decision, a Puntarenas court convicted a businesswoman for shark finning. The woman had brought shark fins to port separated from the body, a practice illegal in Costa Rica, with intentions of selling them abroad.read more

Oceans, Public Participation | 27 September 2016

Celebrating hope for oceans

By Gladys Martínez This month I’m celebrating my tenth anniversary with AIDA. For a decade now, I’ve been working for environmental justice and...read more


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