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Oceans, Toxic Pollution | 24 July 2020

The unbridled use of disposable plastic: A new global crisis

Let’s be aware that, because of the pandemic, we’re moving backwards in the reduction of plastic waste and the prevention of the damages it more

Climate Change, Fracking, Human Rights | 17 July 2020

Why fracking is not an energy transition

To promote fracking today would be to take a step backward, rather than forward. It simply does not meet the definition of a transition away from fossil more

Climate Change, Human Rights | 14 July 2020

Challenges and conditions to advance towards energy justice in Mexico

The country now has the opportunity to undertake a progressive and timely transition that allows for better scenarios of social, environmental and climate justice, and that responds to social more

Climate Change, Human Rights, Toxic Pollution | 30 June 2020

Contamination and COVID-19: Why didn't air quality Improve in the Valley of Mexico?

Despite the mobility restrictions established in response to the pandemic, ozone concentrations actually increased. That's because pollutants are linked to more than just vehicle more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 29 June 2020

Protecting environmental defenders, a State duty that mustn’t be deferred

The work of environmental defenders has been recognized within the international system of human rights as essential, in a democratic society, for strengthening the respect of other more

Coral reefs, Capacity Building, Oceans | 25 June 2020

Webinar "Herbivorous Fish to improve Coral Reef Health: Science and regional regulatory measure"

This seminar presented monitoring and regulation measures for the conservation of herbivorous fish, essential to maintaining the health and ecological functions of coral more

Indigenous Rights, Mining | 4 June 2020

Continued extractive activities put indigenous and rural communities at increased risk from the pandemic

States must implement comprehensive and concerted health strategies to respect, guarantee and protect indigenous and peasant communities near mining or oil exploitation more

Human Rights, Public Participation, Toxic Pollution | 29 May 2020

Colombia: Holding virtual hearings violates communities' right to participation

The rights of access to information, justice and participation are among the most violated. We must prevent the pandemic from becoming an excuse to continue abusing more

Human Rights, Indigenous Rights | 20 May 2020

COVID-19 Response: The importance of providing special protection to indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants

Protecting these peoples so that the pandemic does not threaten their lives and integrity is a moral and historic duty, and an international obligation of all more

Capacity Building, Human Rights, Mining | 13 May 2020

Webinar "A Just Transition: Why should industrialized countries reduce their consumption of raw materials? The case of Germany"

We presented the proposals of an NGO network in Germany to achieve a reduction in the consumption of raw materials and to include the perspectives of producer more


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