
Advocating before the Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund is the world's leading multilateral climate finance institution. As such, it has a key role in channelling economic resources from developed to developing nations for projects focused on mitigation and adaptation in the face of the climate crisis.

Created in 2010, within the framework of the United Nations, the fund supports a broad range of projects ranging from renewable energy and low-emissions transportation projects to the relocation of communities affected by rising seas and support to small farmers affected by drought. The assistance it provides is vital so that individuals and communities in Latin America, and other vulnerable regions, can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and address the increasingly devastating impacts of global warming. 

Climate finance provided by the Green Climate Fund is critical to ensure the transformation of current economic and energy systems towards the resilient, low-emission systems that the planet urgently needs. To enable a just transition, it’s critical to follow-up on and monitor its operations, ensuring that the Fund effectively fulfills its role and benefits the people and communities most vulnerable to climate change.



Read our recent report "Leading participatory monitoring processes through a gender justice lens for Green Climate Fund financed projects" here.



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Session 1 of the 2022 GCF Watch International Webinar Series

The role civil society plays in monitoring the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is crucial to make the best use of much-needed climate resources, while also avoiding the worse impacts brought up by false solutions. The GCF Watch is a civil society initiative, led from the Global South, created to improve access to information on GCF matters and enable better public follow-up and supervision of the GCF. In this second version of the GCF Watch International Webinar Series, experts from across the globe will come together in three webinars to discuss the GCF, the work being done, and ways in which you can contribute to this important effort.  Each session will include expert presentations followed by an open space for conversation among attendees and panelists. In this first session, we talked about the GCF Watch Platform and the opportunities it provides, we looked into the last two board meetings that have happened during 2022, and we discussed some of the key topics that are keeping CSO busy around the GCF.   Panelists Florencia Ortúzar, Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA): Introduction to the webinar series. Kairos de la Cruz, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC): The GCF Watch Platform. Erika Lennon, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL): Takeaways from the last board meetings and key topics for CSOs.   RECORDING  

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A Guide for GCF Watch Coordinators

A publication for coordinators of GCF Watch, a civil society initiative from the global South aimed at improving monitoring of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the world's leading multilateral climate finance institution.   DOWNLOAD THE FULL GUIDEBasics of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the operating entity of the funding mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As such, it provides funding to developing countries for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects and programs.Read and downloadNational Designated Authorities and Green Climate Fund Focal PointsNational Designated Authorities (NDAs), Government institutions, and Focal Points (FPs) are responsible for all matters related to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in developing countries. They represent the GCF and serve as a liaison or point of contact between the GCF and developing countries. Read and downloadFunding Proposals before the Green Climate FundProposals for project and program funding can be classified according to several criteria: type of access, public or private, amount of funds requested, and risk category.Read and downloadGuide to Reviewing a Funding Proposal before the Green Climate FundThe GCF Watch will consolidate all observations made by civil society before sending to the GCF Board. Your comments will be part of the message directly delivered to the Board!Read and downloadAccredited Entities before the Green Climate FundThe funding granted by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is channeled through accredited entities (AEs), which are in charge of managing the resources and implementing the projects and programs. The AEs must ensure that projects and programs comply with GCF safeguards, as well as oversee compliance when implementation is the responsibility of executing entities.Read and downloadThe Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM)The Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) was created to respond to complaints from individuals, groups or communities who feel that they have been adversely affected by projects or programs financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) due to non-compliance with its operational policies and procedures, including its environmental and social safeguards.Read and downloadGCF Watch: A Southern Civil Society-Led InitiativeThe platform aims to improve the monitoring of the operations of the GCF through collaboration between organizations working at the level of the GCF Board and organizations and communities in the region that are close to the territories where projects supported by the entity are implemented.Read and downloadGlossary of useful terms for monitoring the Green Climate FundRead and download 

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The GCF Watch international webinar series: Gender, indigenous peoples and REDD+ within the GCF

Effective civil society monitoring of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is crucial to avoid damages and make the best use of much-needed climate resources. GCF-Watch is a civil society initiative, led from the Global South, created to improve access to information on GCF matters and enable better public follow-up and supervision of the GCF. In this international series of three webinars, experts from across the globe discussed engaging through the GCF Watch platform. Updated information on the GCF, its board meetings and the main issues of 2021 were discussed, as well as ways in which people and communities can engage with the Fund in their countries and regions. Each session included expert presentations followed by an open space for conversation among attendees and panelists.   panelists Liane Schalatek, Heinrich Böll Stiftung: Main takeaways from B.29. Tara Daniel, Women's Environment and Development (WEDO): Gender at the GCF. Helen Magata, Tebtebba: Indigenous Peoples at the GCF. Souparna Lahiri, Global Forest Coalition: REDD + at the GCF. Moderator: Salina Sanou, PACJA.   Recording     Presentations 1. Liane Schalatek, Heinrich Böll Stiftung:   2. Tara Daniel, Women's Environment and Development (WEDO): Presentation in French   3. Helen Magata, Tebtebba:  

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